Integration of Tourinsoft API - SIT Québec with Drupal Websites


Integration of Tourinsoft API - SIT Québec with Drupal Websites

"JM and his team were invaluable in identifying needs, planning tasks and executing the integration between and Tourinsoft. They were very attentive, and coped well with the major challenges associated with this operation of vital importance to Tourisme Montréal."

Benoit Gagné, Chef d'équipe - Plateformes numériques at Tourisme Montréal

Montreal skyline
The Client

Tourisme Montréal is an organization dedicated to promoting tourism in the vibrant city of Montreal, Canada. With a mission to showcase the city's cultural richness and diverse attractions, Tourisme Montréal plays a crucial role in attracting visitors from around the globe. Tourisme Montréal manages multiple websites, each catering to different aspects of tourism, including sports events, meetings, and the main tourism portal. The Tourisme Montréal Drupal websites were built by Cossette in 2016. Monarq has been regularly involved over the years when Cossette entrusted us to execute critical and complex missions to implement changes, evolutions and new features.

API hologram
The Challenge

Tourisme Montréal existing Drupal websites relied on a custom third party service and API for updating and publishing products and offers. The third party system and API had reached end of life and needed to be rapidly replaced with a new solution. Tourisme Montréal decided to transition to Tourinsoft, a popular tourism information system used by the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec. There were many challenging aspects to this project. The existing Drupal sites were very tightly integrated with the outdated API. Monarq had to make a plan to replace the synchronization with the completely different and complex Tourinsoft API. The new system had to be the solid foundation for a long lasting integration between the Tourinsoft API and all of Tourisme Montréal’s Drupal websites.

Computer screen and coding
The Results

As a trusted partner already engaged with Tourisme Montréal, Monarq was hired by Cossette to take on this critical project, with Tourisme Montréal placing full trust in their expertise. Recognizing the importance of Tourisme Montréal online presence across its various websites, Monarq's team approached the integration process methodically. They worked closely with Tourisme Montréal to understand the unique requirements of each site and meticulously planned the transition process. Despite the complexity of the task, Monarq remained steadfast in their commitment to delivering results.

aerial view of montreal biosphere on a sunny day
The Milestone Achieved

The transition to Tourinsoft for the sports events and meetings websites was executed smoothly, thanks to Monarq's proactive approach and effective project management. The integration ensured that tourism products and offers could be continuously updated and published, enhancing Tourisme Montréal ability to promote its diverse tourism offerings. With this successful implementation, Tourisme Montréal can now look forward to extending the transition to the other portals, confident in the durable high quality solutions provided by Monarq.

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